How is it Funded?

I’m a big fan of projects that have strong positive ripple effects. ...I’m proud to be supporting food security for low-income folks while also supporting local family farmers, good jobs and more!
— Humber Ride4RealFood Participant

The Co-op Cred program money used for credit is provided entirely by community donations. These financial donations are essentially financial gifts. This means Co-op Cred itself is essentially a gift from community members to participants. Our major fundraising event is the Humber Ride4Real Food which takes place annually in June. Additional money needed to develop, co-ordinate, and deliver the program was and continues to be generously provided by grants from progressive foundations.

Thank-you to the great foundations that have supported the program!


This has been the best donation I have made to an organization. Very much in keeping with my values, interests, politics and lifestyle.
— Community Supporter


The funding for credits thus far has mainly come from fundraising. We have lots of wonderful supporters in the community who have donated through such means as: